Welcome to PathoSense diagnostics. You're embarking on a new path in infectious disease diagnostics. We've crafted a comprehensive sample-to-diagnosis platform for veterinary infectious diseases, utilizing nanopore sequencing (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) applicable across animal species.
PathoSense aims to bring this novel diagnostic methodology using nanopore sequencing to all veterinarians. We do this by setting up partnerships with the very best veterinary diagnostic laboratories. More partners coming soon in different countries.
DGZ Vlaanderen is the largest veterinary laboratory in Belgium. They have been a partner of PathoSense since May 2023.
Royal GD is the largest veterinary laboratory in the Netherlands. They have been a partner of PathoSense since February 2024.
SAN Vet is a German veterinary laboratory, located in Höltinghausen, Northwestern Germany. They recently became partners and will launch in summer 2024.
"PathoSense is a Belgian spin-off from Ghent University and aims to make complete diagnostics of infectious diseases accessible for veterinary medicine across the globe."
PathoSense tests are good for sick animals. They show what's happening in the animal when you take the sample. Remember: timing, picking the right animal, and getting the sample carefully matter a lot.
Download the PathoSense app for free from the AppStore (Apple) or PlayStore (Google). It helps you quickly register your samples and leads to faster reporting. We'll collect a few clinical details to help us understand your diagnostic case and to support the interpretation. Click the link below to sign up for an account!
All viruses and bacteria can be detected by using random sequencing with Oxford Nanopore Technologies. There is no need to make a prior selection of which pathogens to test for. Strain information is often immediately at hand for viruses. Virulence factor identification and antimicrobial resistance detection will be added for bacteria in the future.
Results are reported in a semi-quantitative manner. This is important, as the pathogen load and the combination of different complexes can influence the disease outcome. Click on the link below to see how an actionable report is delivered in the mobile app and how this can guide you with the interpretation of the case. Furthermore, we are developing AI-based solutions to improve interpretation.